Three Science-backed Ways to Train Your Brain to Have a Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is the belief that a trait (like intelligence or resilience) is malleable and can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and the ability to receive and integrate thoughtful feedback…
3 Hurdles that Trip Up Younger Generations in a Family Business
Kristin Keffeler examines the correlation between family health and multi-generation wealth preservation, and discusses how advisors can personally benefit from treating their health as a capital asset …
Wealth of Wisdom: Top Practices for Wealthy Families and Their Advisors
In Top Practices Wealthy Families and Their Advisors, accomplished family wealth experts Tom McCullough and Keith Whitaker deliver a comprehensive collection of practical activities that members of…
Wealth 3.0: From Fear to Engagement For Families and Advisors
As advisors to families of wealth, we need to be mindful of what we tell our clients and the narrative we reinforce about wealth itself. Too often, we’ve fed the wolf of fear, a…
HNW Family's Wealth Dynamics: Who's Really In Charge?
Regular Family Wealth Report contributor Joe Reilly, who has interviewed a number of prominent wealth industry figures for this publication, turns his attention to Kristin Keffeler, who is the founder and owner of Illumination360. Keffeler is …
Becoming the Rising Generation: Uncovering the Path to Thriving for the Next Generation in Ultra-high Net Worth Families
Based on semi-structured interviews with rising generation exemplars, this research identifies four positive psychological skills or traits – growth mindset, …
When She Has the Money: Challenging Ancient Conventions and Supporting the New Normal
For this paper, the term fiscal unequals is defined as heterosexual couple in which the female partner’s inherited wealth significantly exceeds that which her spouse is likely to generate through his own inheritance or work …
The Trusted Advisor Paradox
As an adviser, your client's trust is the foundation of your business. While your technical guidance and tactical execution are fundamentals of your practice, enduring client trust is built through …
Laying the Foundation: Five Steps to Supporting the Growth of Your Clients’ Health Capital*
Kristin Keffeler examines the correlation between family health and multi-generation wealth preservation, and discusses how advisors can personally benefit …
Health: The Fifth Dimension of Family Wealth
Just like money and property, health is an asset. Health is the fundamental element of every individual’s longevity, creativity, physical stamina, short-term mental acuity, long-term mental clarity, and overall quality of life …